
Sweet Revenge

Created by Outrider Creative

A Fairy Tale Role-Playing Campaign for Perils & Princesses

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Destiny Howell, author of Sweet Revenge has won an ENNIE award! See her GM a game of Perils & Princesses tonight!
2 months ago – Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 09:37:35 AM

Congrats to Destiny on her ENNIE!

Just wanted to let everyone know that our very own Destiny Howell along with the team at Roll & Play Press has been awarded and ENNIE for One-Shot Wonders, a collection of one-shots for D&D. Huge congrats to Destiny for this well-deserved recognition for her adventure writing as she and the Roll & Play press team took home a silver medal for "Best Adventure - Short Form" 

Tune in to see a Perils & Princesses One-Shot!

If you want to see the author herself in action, Destiny will be joining some awesome players at Role D5 as she GMs The Sweet Escape, the one shot she wrote as a prequel to Sweet Revenge! Having run this one shot a few times, I have to say it's so fun and so brilliant and I can't wait to see how it plays out with Destiny at the helm and the fantastic group of players at Role D5.

Tune in at 7pm Central HERE! 

Getting to the home stretch!

Thank you all so much for your support! We're getting close to 600 backers which is an amazing feat considering this campaign is built for Perils & Princesses which has only been around for LESS THAN ONE YEAR. It goes to show what you can accomplish when you put your whole heart into something you love and invite other kindred spirits to build a community. With less than 10 days left, now is your chance to be one of the first people to snag Sweet Revenge or take home some kickstarter exclusives like the deluxe art package

Stay tuned for more update !

Weekend listening: Destiny Howell on the Process of Creating Sweet Revenge
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 06:15:23 AM

Listen to TableTalk podcast featuring Destiny Howell, the author of Sweet Revenge

We are 1/3 of the way through our campaign and I wanted to make sure to share this episode of Table Talk featuring our very own Destiny Howell. She talks all about the process of creating this campaign, and her inspirations (along with some digressions about candy and bugs and other creepy things). Shout out to the amazing team at Table Talk! 

Thanks again for all of your support!
- Ryan

Sweet Revenge Preview on Youtube
3 months ago – Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 08:25:09 AM

JP Coovert with an initial look at Sweet Revenge

First of all, I want to thank everyone for your support so far during this campaign. It's amazing to see the Perils & Princesses community grow and come together to play this game. Destiny has crafted such a special adventure and I'm really looking forward to sharing with you all. 

Secondly, I wanted to share this super cool video from fellow game designer and illustrator JP Coovert. I sent JP a preview version of Sweet Revenge, and he has some lovely kind words to say about it, as well as some other cool recommendations.

Stay tuned for more updates and previews! 

A Witch's Revenge! Candy Curse Mechanics behind "Sweet Revenge"
3 months ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 09:35:51 AM

Revenge is Sweet

The Candy Curse is the crux of Sweet Revenge. A year before the adventure takes place, the witch Dulcinea was defeated. Or so the villagers thought. She took out her revenge with one last curse that has turned the animals of the Tanglewood into candy-infected beasts, and is overtaking the villagers of Deerhollow by turning them into confectionary creations. The party must find the key items to break the curse without becoming infected themselves! 

Pick your Poison

There's a number of ways your party could become infected. Maybe they test out an expeimental cure and it backfires? Maybe they your become wounded by a candy beast and the curse transfers to them? In any case, becoming cursed gives your players a whole serving of inspiration for both role play moments and mechanical fun. The book provides different options for curses that present perils and opportunities. As well as levels of progression as it slowly overtakes you until you become a sweet statue of your former self. Here's a few examples:

  • Honey Cakes: Sticky sweet honey oozes from your flesh. Bugs and animals are drawn to you. But as you turn more and more into these delightful sweets, your words become laced with a sweet alluring tone that some might find irresistible!
  • Peanut Brittle: Peanuts begin to blister on your skin. Chunks of your body become fragile and easily broken. However, all the peanuts might come in handy if you want to summon a few helpful squirrels...
  • Saltwater Taffy: When your skin turns sticky this starts to be a big problem. It's hard to do anything with your hands when your tools stick to them, not to mention all the dirt and debris that you begin to track. But what's that? It seems like your arms and legs are extra stretchy and you can reach new heights! Just becareful not to stretch so far you break! 

What kind of candy would you love to turn into. What would be the most horrifying? Sound off in the comments. 

We're funded! Over 300 backers on day one!
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 06:52:41 AM

Thank you all for your support! 

What an amazing first 24 hours! It was great to see all the fans of Perils & Princesses jump into this campaign head first helping spread the word and make this adventure possible. We are fully funded but the kickstarter adventure has just begun!

Last year I kickstarted Perils & Princesses. A fully illustrated tabletop role playing game inspired by my kids, and all their brilliance and imagination. An ode to play and pretend and to the tender fantasy stories that have stuck with me all these years.

I had no idea how it was going to go. I had hoped for a few folks to pledge so I could print a couple copies of this dream project I'd been working on. It was a way to scratch a creative itch as life had gone through so many major changes in a flash.

I didn't know that playing this game and building this fantasy world would become such a big part of my life. With so many new players and a growing community of Princesses, I felt like the next step needed to be a full campaign so that new players would have everything they need to get playing. Something to launch them into the game immediately and help them eventually build their own fairy tale world.

I knew I needed help and fresh perspective if I wanted to keep growing this world. I was so glad that Destiny Howell emailed me with a hopeful pitch to write some material at just the right moment when I was ready to think about what was next for Perils & Princesses.

What Destiny has created in Sweet Revenge is the perfect landscape for the gritty, pretty magic of Perils & Princesses. The playfulness of a candy curse mixed with the eerie horror of a witch's revenge is the perfect backdrop for a classic fairy story. The strange monsters, humble heroes and storybook landscape have been an absolute pleasure to illustrate. Destiny's characters are so rich and colorful and absolutely beg to be brought to life!

I'm genuinely so excited to share it with all of you! 


If you'd like a bit of a preview of what's to come "The Sweet Escape" is a free one-shot adventure that is a bit of a prequel to Sweet Revenge. It's free on right now! 

I'll be doing some spotlights and answering questions in these updates as the campaign goes on! 

What are you looking forward to in Sweet Revenge? What do you want to hear more about?